Event Schedule

Saturday, September 17th:

10:00am: Cut & Dry Portable Sawmill, shows every hour on the hour

Featured Discussions in the Dolce Coffeehouse

11:30am: Mario Lomanto, Ageless Personal Training: The Myths of Exercise

12:00pm: Donna Sweidan, CareefolkRSVP

1:00pm: Seth Leitman, The Green Living Guy: Book Signing

2:30pm: Diane Lauricella, Norwalk Go Green

3:00pm: Patrice Gillespie, Clean Air-Cool Planet

Featured Kid’s Activities

12:00-2:00pm: Petting Zoo

Featured Guests:

Mayor Moccia

Miss Connecticut and  Miss Connecticut’s Outstanding Teen

1:00pm: Mrs. Connecticut, Mrs. Jennifer Begley


Corporate Sustainability:

CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international nrms. The goal of CSR is to embrace responsibility for the company’s actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, community. Live Green Connecticut recognizes companies that  adhere to this philosophy.

Sunday, September 18th:

11:00am: Cut & Dry Portable Sawmill, shows every hour on the hour

Featured Discussions in the Dolce Coffeehouse

12:00pm: Marina Marchese, Red Bee Honey: Honey tasting and book signing

1:00pm: Barbara Donahue, It Really Works: Learn How I Saved Money by Greening My Home

1:30pm: 350.org: Moving Planet

2:00pm: John Rumke, JR’s Comfortable Heat, Green Heating

2:30pm: Bill Janhonen: GreenSpeak

3:00pm: Clark Hanford, No Idling-It’s the Law!

Featured Kid’s Activities

12:00-2:00pm: Curious Creatures

Resources and Events:

International Clean-Up Day

CT Department of Environmental Protection


Connecticut Fund for the Environment

Earth 911

Certification Programs

Rainforest Alliance

LEED Certification

National Association of Realtors, Green Designee